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Welcome to my page.

You should have figured from my title, that I'm CheeseCake.

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Besides bullying. No bullying on this blog please.
Monday, April 26, 2010

The majority of you who have easy access to the internet, I presume are Facehooked. What is facehooked? A colloquial term articulating the addiction and urge to use Facebook on a regular basis. Me? I don't use it regularly, no. I use it daily. Yes, girls and boys, I am Facehooked. My friends say so, my boyfriend says so and so did my driving instructor. Yes, I have my driving instructor as a friend on Facebook.
Facebook has nearly everything on it; slow laggy instant messaging, abundance of applications (some pointless, some uselss) and games. Who doesn't love playing games? However they aren't games such as COD or Dota - sorry boys - it's either Farmville or Happy Aquarium. At the time being, the games that I play are Hotel City and Word Challenge from Playfish and Tetris and Bobble Puzzle. Yes Asians, we have Bobble Puzzle on Facebook.
Yes, Facebook is a wonderful place to interact with peers and meet new "friends" and share our photos. However we forget that with such convenience, cyber bullying and pedophilia is also promoted. So kiddies, be careful of who you accept as a friend. Don't go around being cocky calling others random and be nice about what you say online. Being keyboard warrior isn't something you can be proud of. Unless you're also a warrior in reality, it's best to be yourself online as well rather than somebody else and start trouble. Furthermore, don't take sexy pictures if you know people are just going to be nasty. Oh and don't be nasty when they comment things you didn't expect. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Oh and remember what I said about pedophiles? Yeah, you'll get a lot of requests from pedophiles if you were to upload illicit photos of yourself. Moreover, if you have family members on Facebook, that's when the fun stars (Not so much of a Daddy's girl anymore aye? haha..). Okay, that was lame - but I tried.
In addition to all the previous comments about Facebook, WHAT is with all the changes? What is this? A Facebook revolution? Firstly, we started out with just a 'like' and 'become a fan' option so we requested for a 'dislike' icon. Instead they removed our 'become a fan' option. What was the point? To punish us for neglecting things we already had? Hang on.. I could be onto something.. Hey! Maybe I was right =D. Those Facebook-makers are punishing us because we have been unsatisfied with what we already had so they took something away so that we could stop complaining :). Oh my, to think I came up to this hypothesis just as I was typing. Improvising sure is fun. Yeah I don't plan my blogs, I just type :T.
Well enough is enough, I hope you all had a a minutes silence to mourn the death of those soldiers who died on this day. I was silent for hours, watching Naruto Shippuden. Get ready for school tomorrow kids!

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writtern @4:41 AM

Bowling for Columbine
Friday, March 26, 2010

After years of watching the documentary, I've finally completed it. Don't get me wrong, it didn't take me that long to watch the whole thing - oh no, my teachers before just loved pausing the movie to make notes and point out persuasive techniques and therefore running out of time and not finishing the damn dvd. of course watching it again did not bore us. We still laughed at the same sarcastic, rhetorical questions and felt melancholy from the the anecdotes.
Bowling for Columbine is a documentary composed by film maker Michael Moore. His contention is that Americans live in a society of fear which promotes violence. His documentary mainly relates to Columbine High School where a massive shooting killed a number of people and injured many. Moreover, he also targets the NRA for their encouragement in gun usage and rallies at certain areas right after a tragedy involving with guns. He presented the NRA and it's spokesperson to be a callous and careless organization and using analogies of Detroit and Canada which are right next to each other- both Detroit and Canada have abundant supplies of arms and weaponry. In Detroit, news of death and violence are on the television nightly and every person protects themselves and their homes with guns. In Canada, hunting is hugely promoted as it is part of their culture and tradition, however they have barely and violence and rarely and death caused by guns - maybe 1 or 2 every 3-5 years. People in Canada, mostly live with their doors unlocked, even when they are out. Whilst Americans are locking 3 locks on their doors, carefree Canadians are strolling out for coffee with their doors open. The contrast between the two states is evident that it is not the number of guns supplied to people that are creating havoc, but the fear evoked into them. When questioned whether they were afraid of getting attacked, the Canadians shook their heads "Nope."
Watching the documentary itself was an eye opener. I was glad I wasn't living in America; apparently they're entrenched in fear and they also do not provide health care. In fact they try to prevent giving you health care by going through your records and picking out things that they could use against you to stop you from gaining health care. Not only that but they are also the world's #1 fattest country (Yes, that's a metaphor). Although you could just say that perhaps everybody is just against America and decided "Hey, let's all make documentaries about America's bad points to make everybody hate them as much as we do!"
That, I probably will never find out. Fore, conspiracies have to remain concealed to be conspiracies. When a conspiracy becomes public, it simply just isn't a conspiracy anymore.

writtern @5:28 AM

Destiny's call

Many say that persistence is just an excuse to cover up stubborness. However, the very few of us persistent people believe ourselves as those who try hard; we don't give up easily - never without a fight and often we are successful. Though of course there are our down times, where our hard work is ignored and of course we'd have a little cry, a rocking in our emo corner, but the next day we wake up and stride our long, strong steps. Because we don't live in dreams - we live in hope, chasing our dreams.
"A thousand mile journey begins with a single step." - Confuscius
Anyway, many of you who know me in real life would have heard that Fuzzball has been returned to me. Yay! *applause* It was a beautiful and unexpected moment and as corny as it may see, I think I might have predicted this occasion. The night before I dreamed of finding Fuzzball and Pompom in front of my house. That very morning a woman knocked on our dog and said she saw our notice about the missing puppies on our house and that she may have one of the dogs. She returned half an hour later with Fuzzball in her arms. We were all so emotional and grateful to this honest woman. She was offered $100 but only took $50 so that she could give it to her daughter whom she said was the person who took care of Fuzzball. Fuzzball was ecstatic to be home. However, he wouldn't let me go to school - every time I walked out the gate he would start barking and making high pitch noises and feeling guilty about leaving him so soon right after our reunion, I had to stay with him for a while. It might be from being lonely without his sister, or maybe he was just really happy to see me. Nevertheless, right after Fuzzball returned, our home became lively again. Day and night we resumed to hearing his constant barking at anything - and I mean anything; birds, neighbouring dogs, bypassers, you name it. Besides cars.
In contrast, we are still in search for Pompom, our female Maltese x Shi Tzu puppy. She is much more frail than Fuzzball and absolutely adores people and the attention she receives from them. The fact is, our family just isn't the same until everybody is at home and Pompom's whereabouts are still unknown. Have you ever heard the cliche quotation that "Dog is a man's best friend"? Well I disagree.I n my perspective my dogs - these puppies, kids - that I raised since that had no teeth are my family. The moment I took them home and slept with them on my aunty's hammock, I knew that I would love them forever and without them, life just isn't worth it all. So if all of you could keep out an open eye for Pompom - this tiny, loved puppy - please contact me. She needs to be home where her brother is waiting for her, and the rest of her family. Thank you for your understanding.
Contact; 0423218976 or b.phuong@hotmail.com

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writtern @4:23 AM

When the world fucks you over..
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Call it a slut and fuck back harder.
As many of you who know me would knew that I had previously owned two Maltese x Shi Tzu puppies. If you were my friends you would had noticed my attachment to them and if you were one of those people who were close to me, you would had known that I loved them more than anything in the world. I called them my kids and saw myself as their Mommy. Well on the 16th of March this year, after coming home from my Dentist appointment, I came home to an empty backyard. All my brothers and my cousin was inside but Pompom and Fuzzball were nowhere to be seen. They were gone and I was all alone. Nobody noticed that they were gone, only me. I started panicking and crying straight away and went around searching for them. There was no luck. They weren't taken by the Brimbank council, neither were they in the Dog Pound. Somebody must've taken them in. Over this situation I broke into depression and started drinking with myself. I couldn't concentrate in school and had to return home early a few times. I hated life and I still do. But if all of you who read this please do me a favour to look out for my puppies. If you see anybody their neighbours with two new dogs that weren't there before please contact me on b.phuong@hotmail.com or call me 0423218976 - Yes, a reward is offered. Your support will really help out a lot.
Besides that, my depression has been adding up as my relatives kept rubbing in my face that I lost my dogs. They didn't understand that it was a serious topic for me and made comments like "Did you make curry out of your dogs?" I cracked and raged it at them and afterwards unofficially disowned my relatives in my heart.
Furthermore, on the 23rd of this Month was parent teacher interview for St Albans Secondary College. I went with my Mother and my first appointment was with my Maths B teacher. I didn't do so well and barely passed one of my tests whilst I failed another. It was because of the depression I am enduring that dragged me behind and lost my commitment to school. My Mother wasn't very happy. Despite the previous years before, I've always done well, she couldn't accept that I did poorly this term. My teacher tried to explain students all have areas where they lack and things they are personally outstanding as. Seeing that I was getting upset, she sent me out of the room and a Coordinator who was also in the same room noticed as well. She came out and hugged me saying "We know you've tried hard.". It was something very touching for me as I was never told this before. When my Mother came out she said she wasn't going to see any other of my bad appointments and went home. Angry at her, I walked to St Albans. I was originally supposed to go to my Dance class at Copperfield College but i was in no condition to dance so I lingered in St Albans and called my friends out. I took a few drags from their cigarettes - which I only do so rarely - and stayed there until around 5 when I returned home. I believe my Mother tried to make up with me, but I had already lost my trust in her. I've lost faith in her so many times - Like a glass globe, it shattered and I had to tape it back again, though the cracks are still visible. However now, I can nolonger tape back the pieces as they're too minuscule. I made myself an ambition; I will try hard at school and become successful and when I have, I will show my 'family' my resentment for them and that they lost me as a child at my weakest time, so they can't have me at my strongest.
I will have my revenge on the supposedly closest people to me.

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writtern @4:23 AM

If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
Saturday, March 6, 2010

I have a lovely boyfriend, one who was there at the day of my birth and fated to never see each other again until we 16 years after. He was the kind of guy that usually wins a girl over in the movie. He's got a friendly and approachable appearance as well as an open heart. My boyfriend always considers other before himself and my complete opposite. My boyfriend is able to have fun without worrying about what others think of him, I could never be myself unless in my comfort zone or tipsy with alcohol influence. He has no ego, I have pride. He doesn't mention when somebody upsets or insult him, I'm blunt and up-front. He gives, I take. He goes right, I go left. However it's like the cliche quote that "opposites attract" like the south and north end of magnets.
Today as we were standing under the shades of Sunshine Station waiting for a friend, my boyfriend and I were having our usual fun and mucking around. Then conversations lead to me saying "Everybody has another person they admire, another person they envy and another person they hate." which my boyfriend responded "So what do you admire about me? And what do you envy." It took me a while to skim through everything to pick the right things the say. What I envied most and what I admired most. "I admire how you're so friendly. How you can have no ego and I envy how easy it is for you to make friends, the way I can't." That moment I realised how fortunate I was to be standing right next to the person I admired most and envied most. The person who's been changing me and shaping me into what I admire. Not through methods of pressure or constant nagging, but love and affection, praise and lecture, awards and thorough attention. How did I grow to love this person so much? How much am I willing to sacrifice? There are many unanswered questions but in time there will be a response and more questions to solve.
Today from Duchess, my boyfriend and I bought a Mario Mystery Box and Mario plushie hat from Duchess for his friend's birthday presents. I also bought myself a very cute pair of shoes - as my own pair were wet from the storm today - for $10. At the party, I didn't do much. I didn't eat but just charged my Iphone and played games as I listened to music. My boyfriend kept trying to telling me to talk to his friends but I refused. I am openly a confident person, but inside I was really shy and attempt at befriending somebody was hard. Finally my boyfriend said "Let's go." I was shocked and a bit sad, the look on his face reflected into my emotions and scarred me. What was this look on his face? Disappointment? When I left I asked him whether he was angry at me. "No, but it's just that you were doing nothing." He replied. He then told me that he didn't want to have fun whilst I was bored. He should've never bought me to a nonalcoholic party. I hated myself for hurting him. I then promised myself to try harder. To step over boundaries, over my own boundaries next time. Next time I will make friends with the influence of alcohol. I promised to myself in my head, and to him as well. My Paul Frank flats were all wet and my feet started forming blisters so I decided to change into my new pair of shoes. To avoid getting them dirty my boyfriend piggybacked me to the closest bus stop. I felt so happy. Not every man thinks about his woman's shoes over his own.
At Sunshine, my boyfriend played Time Crisis 4 before watching Alice in Wonderland. I was quite a good movie, different from the original animation where it seems like Alice is high on some kind of drug. However, if you're aiming for the 3D experience, Hoyts is the way to go and Village is the big no-no! Tim Burton is an exceptional director. He can and will never be replaced and I can predict that there will be many new directors in the future who will come into the movie industry, inspired by his work.
Moving on, do any of you believe in karma. Well to be honest I do. Back in the days of my rebel ages where I stole (quite a lot) and lied, I was unhappy and depressed. But I've moved on and became stronger on my own. My boyfriend taught me to be kind and to be more kind to myself. A while ago, when I lost my wallet I was really depressed. A store had also gave me a pair of shoes different sized from each other. It was to be expected as the employee there wasn't a really good one. She left me there in the store whilst she went to go to the back to look for stock and she wasn't there in the first place when I entered. If I was still in my rebellious age I could had just grabbed so many things and walked out. But I didn't. Same thing happened at mobile accessory booth. $80 worth of stock was left in front of me as the employer turned her back on me. But I didn't touch anything, but I did purchase something. Well after that, I lost my wallet. The next day I came back to exchange the one of the pair of shoes that I bought for my correct size and then I was returned my wallet. However a fake David Jones card and $60 was taken but I was glad that the rest was still in place. I wondered about the person who stole from my wallet and wondered what misfortune they would receive later on. After that, today, there was an old woman at Footscray Market who was trying to keep a heavy door open with her back. I ran to her and held the door for her. She thanked me and called me 'my sweet' which made me feel pretty good. Hey, I'm pretty sure we all love it whenever an elderly woman gives us sugary sweet names. As if I was rewarded enough with her praise, a few hours later when I dropped my wallet two people pointed it out for me instead of just keeping silent and taking it away. I thanked them with all my heart. This highlights that karma is more rewarding than anything. My Mother believes that if you do something good you will be rewarded with twice the kindness you gave, and vice versa for the bad. I believed this too, no - I BELIEVE (present tense) this too. So to my dear followers, don't think that nothing is unrewarded, nothing punished. It just a matter of time. You may be rewarded for your kindness the very next day or 5 years or maybe even afterlife. As long as you remember your kind deeds and have hope, nothing can bring you down.
Well, now to conclude my post, I will dedicate this last paragraph to especially to you ladies. Make sure not to fall in love with the boys and men you just unbutton or unzip your clothes. Take time to see who it is that offers you their clothes to borrow and those who button up your shirt instead of unbuttoning it. You're even luckier to get a guy who buttons or zips up his jacket that you are wearing. Boys, remember this. Just tossing a girl your jacket is not enough, make effort and show her how much you care by simply just buttoning/zipping it up.
Much love, Phuong.

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writtern @2:36 AM

Love is like locking somebody out of their own home.
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today after my driving lesson, I decided to visit my boyfriend considering he invited me over a few days ago. When I arrived he decided to take a shower so I decided to do some mischief. I took his permanent marker and drew a massive L on his precious Stewie blow up doll (No not the Adult blow up dolls, the ones you find at festivals) and hid it under his bed. I also found the diary that we share. The purpose of the diary is to exchange it together ans write down about the day we spent together and we take turns giving the diary to each other when we meet. However I didn't feel like writing this time so I hid the diary up in his closet. When my boyfriend finished his shower, we play fought like usual until the extent where I threatened his to throw his wallet outside of the window. Lying on his bed, confident that it was only a bluff, he challenged me to and being a person who usually means what they say; I slammed it out the window. Oh no, don't get me wrong, he lives on the 2nd floor and outside of his window is a balcony. Shocked that I actually threw the wallet outside, he jumped up from bed and jumped out the window to retrieve his wallet. Feeling a bit abusive today, I slid his window shut and watched as he pestered me to open his window. I laughed all the way until he gave up on the window and decided to climb down his balcony into his backyard to call his sister. I ran downstairs and when he called for his sister, she ignored him and sided with me. What a LMFAO moment. He cried for me to open his window. I stood there and laugh until I had enough. When I opened the door for him he wasn't pleased but smiling at the same time as he knew I was only joking.
Afterwards we did our homework. I'm surprised to say but he's more academically intellectual than I expected. I knew he was smart, but not to such an extent. Of course he's not the smartest child I know and far from being clever or bright, but I must admit; he will do well in school. It made the gap between us feel even wider. Him the smart good boy and me the average party girl. But it also gave me determination to catch up to him. In other words, I guess I'm saying that my perspective of love is to have fun with that special person and to be so comfortable that you can even lock them outside of their home and they won't get angry at you because they would understand your way of thinking. To also feel envy and acknowledge the difference between the two of you yet not letting it prevent your relationship. To in a way, be rivals. Dom and I played 13 today after doing our hw. He kept calling me a sore-loser and rage quitter yet whenever he lost he would blame it on me saying it was my fault, when he was the dealer ==. But of course, this is all just a game and our rivalry is small but keeps us going. I love you Dom.

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writtern @3:35 AM

"you're so pretty." "Ew, no I'm ugly. You're pretty!"
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Have you ever skimmed through somebody's photos on Facebook account to see the same recurring comments again and again? I'm sure you have. Whether it's people comments saying 'pretty', 'sexy' or 'hot' when you've seen the same comments again and again you wonder whether the comments are sincere or third rate sucking up. Well this is what I start thinking in that situation. Then I think about the person who posted up the photos, whether the comments had gotten in their head and made them more proud or if they're just used to these comments all the time that it does not affect them at all.
Then there's the situation where the person who uploaded the photos denies it when they're complimented, saying things like 'I'm ugly' or 'You're prettier!'. Really, if those people did feel that way.. why would they post up photos of themselves? the excuse "I needed a dp." is too old and common now. Whatever the reason is, can't they at least give a simple 'thank you' when they're complimented? It doesn't make them seem stuck up, but it does save time and seems more of a polite reply.
Well, enough of my rambling on photos, I hope you all had a good New Years. On New Years Eve I spent a few hours at a dress up party as a maid again. I wanted to dress up in my PJs with my teddy bear slippers, but my friends recommended the maid outfit. There I met another girl in a maid outfit, so it was pretty cool. I had lots of fun dancing and drinking then afterwards I went to the city to watch the fireworks with my friend, her boyfriend and my boyfriend. I was suppose to meet with another friend and company, however things lead to another and my friend ended up in the Melbourne Central and my group outside of crown, watching the fireworks. It was a semi-miracle. Despite the rain, the fireworks weren't cancelled, though it wasn't as beautiful as last year. However, I had a romantic and great time. I spent New Years with 0ne of my best friends and I had a cliche moment with my boyfriend where you kissed on New Years, however it was also a 'kiss in the rain'. It was a great night full of laughs. We ate in a restaurant called Cervo in Crown. the food was great but the bill was a few cents short from $200 and my boyfriend developed a man-crush on the waiter who served us at first abnd tipped him like $5. The waitress who served us after didn't give us our change and avoided eye contact with us, so we just left without our few cents change. On the way home I met a close friend who I haven't spoken to in a while and it was really nice catching up with her on our way home on the first day of the year.
Well thats enough about my life, tell me. What did you do for New Years?

writtern @3:16 AM